
一名是德国莱比锡飞越飞越德国莱比锡的猎鹰。与农村地区相比,在城市中,花素的生存和繁殖更容易繁殖。Sebastian Willnow / picture alliance via Getty Images

Urban Refuge: How Cities Can Help Solve the Biodiversity Crisis


Last year, as billions of people around the globe were in coronavirus lockdown, students of Queens College ecologist Bobby Habig discovered a bobcat roaming around the Bronx River in New York City, better known for its recent past as an open sewer and repository for automobile tires and rusted chassis than as a habitat for elusive wildcats. In January, a snowy owl, native to Canada’s Arctic tundra, touched down in Central Park for the first time in 130 years and spent more than a month supplementing its usual diet of boreal lemmings with choice urban fare such as mice and rats. For weeks a coyote was spotted in the Ramble, a 37-acre “wilderness” of rocky crags and hilly forest in the heart of Central Park.

纽约并不是唯一一个野生动物自由徘徊的城市。海狮盛行,在阿根廷马克·德拉帕(Mar del Plata)港口的关闭店面。通常住在威尔士的岩石大orme上的山山羊,在附近的海边小镇兰德诺诺(Llandudno)上嚼着树篱和放牧的花箱。在智利首都圣地亚哥的荒芜街道上看到了彪马。

诸如此类的城市地区长期以来一直被视为没有生物多样性,尤其是美国人,他们荣耀荒野并相信自然只能在不存在城市的地方繁荣发展。188金博网注册就送188芝加哥林肯公园动物园的城市野生动物研究所塞思·玛格尔(Seth Magle)说:“人们很容易想到城市,它们只是这些月光镜,完全是无菌的环境,只有人类,也许是树木或草。”他说,甚至科学家都接受了叙述,并认为“我们没有在城市花费任何时间或精力的业务。”

As Eric W. Sanderson, senior conservation scientist for the Wildlife Conservation Society said, “I can’t tell you the number of conservation analyses in which places like cities with high human influence were just blocked out because they have zero biodiversity value — they’re wasted. There’s nothing there.”


This is called “the biological deserts fallacy” by the authors of a新文章生物科学, who make the case that cities contribute more than we think to regional biodiversity. In fact, a raft of recent studies has found that long before the pandemic, the planet’s cities were important refuges for an array of plants and animals, in some cases even threatened and endangered species.



与农村地区相比,某些物种,例如游eg夫猎鹰,在城市中具有更高的存活率或更高的生殖成功。有些人甚至更喜欢城市景观。A2017分析在全球529种鸟类中,只有66种仅在城市地区发现,不仅包括像野生鸽这样的经典城市鸟类,而且还包括其地区本地的各种物种,例如挖洞的猫头鹰和黑色和黑色的狂欢雀科。根据另一个审查, diverse communities of native bee species persist in cities around the world, and in several cases, more diverse and abundant populations of native bees live in cities than in nearby rural landscapes. In Australia, researchers recently确定39只危及“最后的机会”物种,仅在城市栖息地的小斑块中忍受,包括树木,灌木,乌龟,蜗牛甚至兰花。

Mountain goats roam the streets of LLandudno, Wales on March 31, 2020 while quarantine measures are in effect.

Mountain goats roam the streets of LLandudno, Wales on March 31, 2020 while quarantine measures are in effect.克里斯托弗·弗隆 /盖蒂图像


城市生态学家认为这些是一系列“过滤器”,使许多物种在城市,尤其是那些具有特定栖息地要求的城市中都难以持久。罗格斯大学的城市生态学家米拉·阿农森(Myla Aronson)指出,例如,所谓的蓝莓和需要酸性土壤的蓝莓和杜鹃花等所谓的埃里切斯植物正在从城市中消失。她说,一个可能的原因是,混凝土增加了城市环境的碱度。

While urbanization continues to pose a substantial threat to species and ecosystems, cities abound with a “wonderfully diverse” array of unconventional habitats “that can provide important habitat or resources for native biodiversity,”wrote墨尔本大学科学家在2018年的论文中保护生物学。These range from remnants of native ecosystems such as forests, wetlands and grasslands, to traditional urban green spaces like parks, backyards and cemeteries, as well as golf courses, urban farms and community gardens. In addition, as cities invest in green infrastructure to ameliorate environmental harm, wildlife is increasingly occupying novel niches including green roofs and constructed wetlands and colonizing former brownfields and vacant lots. And the positive roles cities play in fostering biodiversity “can be bolstered through intentional design,” write the authors of the生物科学有关“生物沙漠谬论”的文章。

近年来,城市生态学家在保护生物学领域刻出了一个新的利基市场。2014年发表的一篇开创性论文分析了一系列生物地理区域的110个城市,并具有全面的居民植物生命清单和54个具有完整鸟类清单的城市。根据学习, the cities retained most of their native biodiversity. Aronson, the lead author of the paper, and her colleagues also found, however, that the plants and birds in the cities they studied had become much less abundant, losing 75 percent and 92 percent of their pre-urban density, respectively.


另一个成立of urban conservation biology, published two years later, was written by Australian scientists who found that cities harbor 30 percent of the country’s imperiled plants and animals, including Carnaby’s black-cockatoo, a large, gregarious cockatoo that lives only in southwest Australia, where large-scale farming has fragmented much of its habitat. In fact, they found that cities contained substantially more threatened species per square kilometer than non-urban areas. “Australian cities are important for the conservation of threatened species,” they wrote.

科学家有described城市地区可以使区域生物多样性受益的几种方式。188金博网注册就送188例如,城市可以从竞争或本地物种在周围景观中面临的压力或捕食等压力提供避难所。城市中的猎物密度更高,已经与包括库珀的鹰,是弗朗西斯的猎鹰,冠塔的鹰嘴鹰和密西西比风筝在内的几个城市猛禽的成功联系在一起。城市还充当中途停留地,迁移的鸟类可以休息和加油。大型城市公园,例如位于俄亥俄州哥伦布市的Highbanks Park,为鹅口疮,莺和其他迁徙鸣禽提供了关键的中途停留栖息地。



2020年4月16日,在冠状病毒锁定期间,阿根廷Mar del Plata的人行道上的海狮。

2020年4月16日,在冠状病毒锁定期间,阿根廷Mar del Plata的人行道上的海狮。Mara Sosti / AFP via Getty Images


To date, almost all urban wildlife studies have been done in North America, Europe and Australia. UWIN is trying to find partners in Asia and Africa, where most urban areas projected to become megacities in the next decade are located. In addition, just a few charismatic groups such as large mammals, pollinators and songbirds have received most of the research interest. Little is known about other groups, such as mice, voles, shrews and other small mammals, insects like flies and moths, reptiles and amphibians.

What’s more, “It’s worth remembering that some species are a problem” in urban areas, Magle said. “Some are a nuisance or carry disease.” He said that greening cities needs to be better informed by wildlife science “so we can be sure to attract the species that we want.”

“我认为最大的研究差距之一是我们如何在多种物种的不同需求与有限的空间之间取得平衡。”阿隆森(Aronson)合着了有关城市保护生物学研究需求的几篇论文。她指出,此外,科学家们仍然不知道不同类型的绿色空间可以支持多少生物多样性,尽管她188金博网注册就送188researchhas shown that size is by far the most important factor in predicting their conservation value. “Larger spaces conserve the most species,” she said. Another unknown, according to Aronson, is whether green spaces work together to provide habitat connectivity through a city, and if so, how, and at what scale. “Those are the big questions,” she said. “There are many more.”



十多年前,野生动植物保护协会的桑德森(Sanderson)站在美国最繁忙的高速公路之一的越野越高速公路下,在越野河旁边,在河流旁边,在河道旁边,靠在高速公路旁的河道。布朗克斯动物园(Bronx Zoo)只有三个街区上游,是他的雇主的总部,他的雇主是该国最古老,最负盛名的保护组织之一,该组织致力于在地球上人口最遥远,人口最稀少的地方来保护大自然。他说:“相比之下,在我面前是一个野外的对立面:一个生态系统,在流行的守护世界中,它被'锤打',实际上被人们包围。”

然而,多年的社区努力来拉起侵入性植物,清除垃圾和从布朗克斯河上拖走废弃的汽车,甚至在去年年底首次亮相之前,一只海狸在2007年缺席了200年后重新出现。桑德森和合着者阿曼达·休伦(Amanda Huron)在“城市的保护”中写道2011社论保护生物学,但人们却乐于清理河流,“因为他们住在那里。”

Asnowy owl in Central Park, New York on January 27, 2021.

Asnowy owl in Central Park, New York on January 27, 2021.通过AP图像覆盖图像


In fact, Sanderson believes that cities are “the way that conservation will ultimately succeed.” In a paper analyzing demographic and economic trends, he and two WCS colleagues成立在2018年的一项研究中,随着人们从乡村迁移到城镇,贫困减少,生育水平下降了。与传统思维相反,人口稠密的地区的人均消费也减少了。他们写道:“保护主义者的悖论是,现在破坏自然的力量也在创造长期成功的情况。”
