


我们与我的向导埃尔顿·门德斯(Elton Mendes)一起出发,通过亚马逊丛林(Amazon Jungle)转向了一个受虐的皮卡。他从窗户伸出一只手,拉着一根绑在刮水器上的棍子,挤在挡风玻璃上。

短途车程后,他用一块混凝土板停在清理中。一个橙色的钢晶格从砌块上升起,消失在我头顶上方的树冠中。它被称为高塔,有充分的理由:在1,066英尺处 - 比埃菲尔铁塔高三英尺 - 它是南美最高的结构。它也是三塔科学综合体的核心 -亚马逊高塔天文台或Atto-位于亚马逊河最大的城市Manaus东北150英里处。

When fully outfitted, ATTO’s trio of towers will bristle with gas sniffers, particulate collectors, light sensors, and scores of other instruments that will continuously watch over the forest — and the air above it — for at least the next two to three decades. The Brazilian and German scientists overseeing research at ATTO say that the data collected by these instruments will provide an unprecedented portrait of the role that the Amazon jungle, the world’s largest rainforest, plays in the global carbon cycle — a key finding in an era of climate change. And by taking these measurements — including temperature, wind, greenhouse gases, ozone, radiation, visibility, tree canopy changes, soil temperatures, and soil gas fluxes — scientists will be able to track how global warming is affecting the Amazon, particularly its ability to absorb carbon.





But more recently, climate scientists have become concerned that global warming may also pose a danger to the forest, possibly by shifting oceanic and atmospheric currents in ways that could lead to a pronounced drying of the Amazon. Astudy last year建议在广阔的雨林中的树死亡率可能与天气变化有关,已经在降低其隔离碳的能力。


One thing they’ll be looking at is what role the Amazon plays in the mystery of where all the carbon dioxide humans produce from burning fossil fuels is going. About half of that CO2 is soaked up, in roughly equal parts, by ocean water and terrestrial trees and plants. But Scott Denning, an atmospheric scientist at Colorado State University, says it’s important to understand how much CO2 is being absorbed in the Amazon and other tropical forests. If the Amazon does act as a net sink today, scientists want to know and for how long it will continue to do so.

Beginning in the late 1990s, researchers at the United Kingdom’s Met Office published a series of worrisome papers on the prospects for Amazonia in a warming world. Using computer models that link climate and vegetation, they found that by altering atmospheric circulation over the Atlantic Ocean, global warming could dry out much of the Amazon basin. They said that much of the forest could turn into savannah, putting at risk the region’s rich flora and fauna, and releasing vast quantities of carbon dioxide. Newer studies have cast doubt on this cataclysmic scenario, saying that while the Amazon may not continue to support its current lush vegetation, some form of forest would remain.

亚马逊雨林的树冠,带有高塔天文台的阴影。Susanna Benner/Max Planck化学研究所


Antonio Ocimar Manzi, a climate scientist at the space institute, is the lead Brazilian administrator of the ATTO project. The first time he stepped onto the Tall Tower’s top platform last year, he said he was overcome with emotion. “I saw the green ocean,” he said in a recent Skype call. “It was a dream of two decades.” He was perched atop the world’s tallest meteorological mast. It was meant to be 320 meters, or 1,050 feet, tall. But the builder had noticed that it was just shy of the height of the Eiffel Tower. At the builder’s suggestion, Manzi approved a new design — 325 meters tall — besting the Paris landmark by one meter.

Height matters, said Manzi. Instruments farther from the ground sample air that has been in contact with vegetation at greater distances, giving them a more comprehensive snapshot of regional forest conditions and the complex exchange of CO2 and other gases. Instruments mounted at the top of the tower will sense the photosynthetic activity of leaves over tens of square miles of canopy, an area many times greater than equipment on any other tower in the Amazon.


一位科学家沿着高塔的一条支撑电缆驶入。安德鲁·克罗泽(Andrew Crozier)/马克斯·普朗克(Max Planck)化学研究所

高层塔将配备有启示剂和气体分析仪,这些方法将使用称为The The The The的过程,从森林地面远处进入二氧化碳的运动涡流技术。Researchers employ eddy flux measurements to identify sinks and sources of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, on towers around the world. A large number of inlet pipes will be secured to the tower at various heights. Gases and aerosols pumped from these sampling stations will flow into measurement devices operated inside climate-controlled laboratories fashioned from shipping containers and clustered at the base of the tower. About 50 Brazilian and 50 German researchers are already at work on a dozen experiments using the shorter towers, enduring the heat, humidity, and occasional threats from snakes or jaguars.



当我登上我的时候,巴西亚马逊研究所的研究科学家布鲁斯·尼尔森(Bruce Nelson)正在为一台螺栓固定在260英尺高的塔楼之一,几百码之外的摄像头。



近年来下降了70%以上之后,亚马逊的森林砍伐飙升。在接受耶鲁大学环境360的采访中,科学家菲利普·费恩赛德(Philip Fearnside)解释了什么推动了亚马逊的清理工作,以及需要采取什么措施才能再次控制森林砍伐。阅读更多





主页图片由Susanne Benner/Max Planck化学研究所提供