

研究员里克·汉尼(Rick Haney)旅行美国,宣讲健康土壤的好处。在一个耶鲁环境360访谈,他谈到了使用肥料和其他化学物质追求不断变化的作物产量的愚蠢,以及通过自然方法恢复农田如何可以。

土壤健康运动最近一直在新闻中,其领先的支持者包括美国农业部(USDA)研究员里克·汉尼(Rick Haney)。在一个政府机构和农业综合企业长期以来追求最大作物产量的圣杯的世界中,汉尼传讲了一个不同的信息:寻求不断增长的生产力 - 使用肥料,除草剂,农药和其他化学物质 - 正在杀人 - 杀人我们的土壤和威胁我们的农场。

美国农业部土壤研究员里克·汉尼(Rick Haney)

美国农业部土壤研究员里克·汉尼(Rick Haney)USDA

Haney, who works with the USDA’s Agriculture Research Service in Texas, conducts online seminars and travels the country teaching farmers how to create healthy soil. His message is simple: Although the United States has some of the richest soils in the world, decades of agricultural abuse have taken their toll, depleting the dirt of essential nutrients and killing off bacteria and fungi that create organic material essential to plants. “Our mindset nowadays is that if you don’t put down fertilizer, nothing grows,” says Haney, who has developed a well-known method for testing soil health. “But that’s just not true, and it never has been.”

在接受采访耶鲁环境360,Haney描述了研究如何验证自然方法的价值,例如耕作较少,覆盖作物以及使用生物控制来控制害虫。面对特朗普政府提议在美国农业部预算中削减21%的人,汉尼还强调了公正的政府研究的重要性。“我们需要更多独立的研究,” Haney坚持认为。“就我们对土壤功能及其生物学的了解而言,我们仅在冰山一角。”


里克·汉尼(Rick Haney):这是正确的。We know that over the past 50 years the levels of organic matter — it is kind of a standard test for soil in terms of its health and fertility — have been going way down. That’s alarming. We see organic matter levels in some fields of 1 percent or less. Whereas you can go to a pasture sitting right next to it where organics levels are 5 percent or 6 percent. So that is how drastically we have altered these systems. We are destroying the organic matter in the soil, and we’ve got to bring that back to sustain life on this planet.






汉尼:That’s correct. It’s true that we are seeing that our yields have come up a lot in the last 50 years, but it is taking more and more external inputs to keep it going. And that’s not sustainable, it’s not going to work in the long run.


汉尼:We were applying fertilizers and getting these big yields, so that system seemed to be working — until we began seeing, for example, the dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico [created by algal blooms triggered by high nitrogen levels from fertilizer], and we started wondering if this was really working right. Are we putting on too much fertilizer? And the answer is, “Yes we are.” It’s like instead of feeding your children a balanced diet, let’s just feed them vitamins. That’s not going to work, is it?

Our mindset nowadays is that if you don’t put down fertilizer, nothing grows. But that’s just not true, and it never has been. The biggest issue with all this is that we keep wanting to get higher and higher yields. But the reality is that you are shooting yourself in the foot doing that.


汉尼:好吧,如果我们要过量生产玉米,小麦,大豆,高粱 - 看看价格。为什么价格低?目前,这些家伙在这里种玉米,我已经与其中几个人交谈,他们告诉我他们今年不会赚钱。他们正在寻找损失。太疯狂了。如果您要过量生产产品,价格会下降。那我们在做什么?

We had a guy I talked to last week who said, “If I adopt these soil health principles, my yields will fall.” And I said, “Yeah, I hope so, I hope everyone’s yields fall.” There’s just this mindset that we’ve got to increase the yields, increase the yields, increase the yields. You can’t keep doing that.







汉尼:Our approach is to manipulate what’s happening out there by plowing and adding lots of chemicals. Nature is always going to win in the end. We can come up with these things to kill this weed or this insect, but eventually you need to come up with something different because nature is going to find a way around that. Look at the resistance that weeds are developing to Roundup [the herbicide glyphosate] now.





汉尼:We hear a lot about the need to plant trees, to not cut the rainforests and that’s all important. But we have this huge resource — all over the world — of dirt that is sitting there with nothing on it. When we plant plants on it, it starts sucking carbon out of the air and putting it in the soil. That’s what the natural process is.





‘We’ve had guys who told me, “You saved me $60,000 in fertilizer costs last year.” ’

E360:You helped to develop a new way to test soil. Why was that needed?

汉尼:Until now, we weren’t testing for the right components. We were basically ignoring the biological contributions to nitrogen and phosphate, for example. The estimates that you see in the literature are that one gram of dirt can contain 6 to 10 million organisms. Without them, nothing would grow. The microorganisms are after carbon. And the plant roots will leak out carbon compounds that attract the microorganisms. In exchange, the microbes break down organic matter in the soil, which delivers nitrogen and phosphate in a form that the plant can use. So there is this beautiful nutrient cycle around the plant root. And that is something that we have tried to reproduce in the lab with our new testing method.


E360:When farmers see the low levels of biological functioning in their soil, they may be inspired to practice some of the healthy techniques that you have been talking about?






E360:The new administration has threatened huge cuts in science research budgets in many agencies. Do you expect your program to be affected?


