一名暴风雨保护工人站在阿拉斯加纳帕基亚克的Yupik Eskimo村的岸边,在那里永久性融化导致侵蚀和洪水。当地领导人正在考虑搬迁村庄。

一名暴风雨保护工人站在阿拉斯加纳帕基亚克的Yupik Eskimo村的岸边,在那里永久性融化导致侵蚀和洪水。当地领导人正在考虑搬迁村庄。通过Getty Image Mark Ralston / AFP



美国印第安人国民议会主席小鹿夏普与耶鲁环境360about how climate change is hitting Native Americans especially hard and why protecting tribal sovereignty is critical for tackling the climate crisis.

两个世纪forced removal and relocation经常划定的土地使美洲原住民uniquely vulnerable气候变化。来自北部亚利桑那州,霍皮族面临的大巨星枯萎的农作物和杀死牲畜,到达路易斯安那州南部,比洛克西 - chitimacha-choctaw看到他们的祖先土地succumb to rising seas,美国原住民部落处于气候危机的最前沿。

In an interview with耶鲁的环境360年,美国印第安人国民议会主席小鹿夏普(Fawn Sharp)讨论了美国的土著人民如何因气候变化的影响(包括巨型,洪水,洪水,热浪和干旱)的影响以及他们正在进步的地方如何损害。夏普(Sharp)在华盛顿(Washington)担任副总统的奎诺(Quinault)印度国家正在计划搬迁两个海滨村庄到更高地面,以逃避洪水的恶化 - 这一举动由昆诺特和其他部落谈判的全州碳税的收入资助。


With President Biden restarting the White House Council on Native American Affairs and appointing Deb Haaland to lead the Department of the Interior, the first Native American to do so, Sharp is optimistic that “we’re going to be able to ensure that tribal sovereignty is not only respected, but implemented in a way that will allow us to effectively adapt and mitigate the impacts of climate change.”


小鹿锋利National Congress of American Indians


小鹿锋利:I’ve certainly seen it play out in my homeland. I was initially elected as a tribal president for the Quinault Nation back in 2006. And at that time, I convened a gathering of our tribal citizens to try to identify the top priorities within our nation, including the survival of our sockeye salmon. We call it a “blueback” salmon, which is unique to the Quinault River and its tributaries, and it was in sharp decline.


the University of Washington had been monitoring the Anderson Glacier, which feeds the Quinault River. And I saw pictures showing — just over the course of about a 60-year period — a visual stark contrast in how rapidly this glacier was receding and disappearing. I took a helicopter flight, probably in my second term of office, and as we came over the ridge in the helicopter, the Anderson Glacier was completely gone. I had seen visuals of a glacial sheen, and I was expecting to see a glacier, or a remnant of a glacier. But when we came over the ridge, there was just a large pool of murky water and not a shred of a glacial sheen. And I cannot explain what that felt like to come face-to-face with a mountain, expecting to see a glacier, and there was nothing but murky water.


“ [气候变化]广泛。一切都在印度国家,这已成为我们的重中之重。”


在我担任Quinault Nation总统的15年中,由于几乎所有与气候有关的活动,我都必须宣布多个紧急状态沿海洪水,,,,严重的降雨和滑坡]。我们只是一个部落国家。


锋利的:我已经去了阿拉斯加多次旅行,并与阿拉斯加部落领导人会面。他们在提供非常全面和详细的报告方面做得非常出色,以解决气候变化对阿拉斯加土著人的所有各种影响 - 无论是他们的粮食安全,[传统]药物,他们收集的植物,他们狩猎的动物,他们的生活方式,需要搬迁的村庄。


And this is happening all across Indian country. At the National Congress of American Indians, we have regular board meetings where our regional vice presidents report on the issues affecting their people. And at our last annual convention, every region raised issues of climate change.




锋利的:It’s important for people to understand that one of the attributes of our inherent sovereignty is our ability to have a decisive say when it comes to our land, territory, resources, and people. But there’s still a level of paternalism and a level of political inequality. When it comes to protecting our resources, the United States still will take unilateral action affecting our land, territories, and sacred sites.

the classic example of that is the conflict at Standing Rock [Indian Reservation in South and North Dakota]. There, a tribal nation was attempting to protect their water source, their sacred sites, and they objected, along with tribes all across the country and allies globally, [to the construction of the Dakota Access oil pipeline]. Over those objections, over that science, over the legal objections, over the policy objections, the United States unilaterally permitted that activity.

When we get to the point where there’s not only an embracing of the principles of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, but we implement them in a way that respects tribal sovereignty, then tribes will be fully armed and able to adopt both adaptation and mitigation strategies to defend their people, their homelands, and their traditional ways of life against the imminent threat of climate change.

白宫美国原住民事务理事会已在拜登政府的领导下重新启动。他们增加了一个国际委员会。我们还与美国国务院直接互动。And we think, with this administration, with this Secretary of the Interior [a member of the Pueblo of Laguna in New Mexico], we’re going to be able to ensure that tribal sovereignty is not only respected, but exercised in a way that will allow us to effectively adapt and mitigate the impacts of climate change.

Native American protestors face private security guards at a work site for the Dakota Access pipeline, near Cannon Ball, North Dakota, in 2016.

Native American protestors face private security guards at a work site for the Dakota Access pipeline, near Cannon Ball, North Dakota, in 2016.Robyn Beck / AFP通过Getty Images

E360:the federal government currently has a responsibility to consult with tribes in making decisions that affect their lands, but you’re pushing for the government to have to seek tribal nations’ consent. Can you explain the distinction, and why you think it’s important?










因为气候危机的规模远远超过了公共财政部,所以我们一直在积极追捕那些直接负责的人。In Washington state, the policy points that we tribal nations negotiated in [the state’s recent climate bill] were ultimately legislated into law with the passage of the Climate Commitment Act this year through the Washington State Legislature and, of those statewide dollars that will now result from pricing carbon, 10 percent are going to go to tribal nations.


We secured $50 million to relocate our villages to higher ground. We secured dollars for tribal nations to address megafires and forest fires. So, we did not wait for the state or the United States Congress to hold industry accountable. We’re well aware that the scale of the crisis is exceeding the public treasury, and the only way we are going to secure the necessary resources to defend our lands, our territory, and people is by holding those who are directly responsible accountable.




Our ancestors have foretold of a time where there will be a day of reckoning. Humanity cannot continue to live the way it’s been living and survive. And we’ve known that when that day of reckoning comes, tribal nations will be positioned to share with the world, as full participants, our knowledge and our standing and moral authority to bring life back into balance. And not just for humanity, but for all things living and the spiritual connection that we have.



