
美洲虎将其猎物守卫在巴西戈伊斯的猎物,是白色的胸部。Octavio Campos Salles / Alamy Stock Photo



For thousands of years, bison herds thundered freely throughout the Chihuahuan Desert on both sides of what is now the U.S.-Mexico border. In November 2009, after three frantic months of chasing down the required permits, Rurik List and Nélida Barajas watched as 23 bison from Wind Cave National Park in South Dakota arrived by tractor-trailer at the Santa Teresa international cattle crossing in southeastern New Mexico.

The animals, 20 females and three males, galloped through the dusty stockyards, across the border, and into the state of Chihuahua. A permanent herd of wild bison had been missing from Mexico for more than 150 years. “It’s hard to describe the feeling,” says Barajas. “We were bringing the bison back home.”

Two weeks later, 140 miles southwest of the border crossing, the bison were released from a quarantine corral at El Uno ranch, a 46,000-acre oasis of recovering grasslands in a Chihuahuan Desert landscape severely degraded by the overgrazing of domestic livestock. List, a conservation biologist at Mexico’s National University who had drafted the bison restoration plan for northern Mexico, and Barajas, a Nature Conservancy scientist and the ranch manager at the time, were joined by 700 government officials and local ranchers and farmers and their families to witness the event. When the gates opened, a bull led the herd into an iconic Western tableau of big sky and luminous sweeps of golden desert grasses backed by the rugged peaks of the Sierra Madre Occidental.





In a今年早些时候出版了一支全球研究人员团队联合国环境计划世界保护监测中心和The U.S. nonprofit organization解决提出了一项详细的策略,以扭转大型哺乳动物的全球下降及其曾经居住的生态区域的衰落。他们指出,大型哺乳动物的复习是当前恢复工作的重要组成部分,他们指出,“应该在未来十年成为全球命令。”

墨西哥奇瓦瓦州的El Uno Ranch的野牛。

墨西哥奇瓦瓦州的El Uno Ranch的野牛。Luis Gutierrez / Nortephoto.com / Alamy Stock Photo

根据这项研究,发表在期刊上生态学,重新引入了20个大型哺乳动物 - 13种草食动物和7种捕食者物种,可以帮助生物多样性在世界各地反弹,并在此过程中应对气候变化。188金博网注册就送188在这些重新野生候选人中,有棕熊,野牛,野马,美洲虎,驯鹿,欧亚海狸,麋鹿,驼鹿,金刚狼,老虎和河马。

The researchers also identify 30 priority ecoregions on five continents that meet key criteria: They lack no more than one to three of the large herbivores and predators historically present, provide extensive habitat, and can feasibly be restored in the coming decade. These areas range from the南苏丹淹没的草原科学家们说,在接下来的五到十年中,可以恢复完整的大型哺乳动物社区的奇瓦瓦州沙漠中Xeric草原和灌木丛的干puna。

奇瓦瓦沙漠(Chihuahuan Desert)大约20万平方英里,是西半球最大的沙漠,遍布六个墨西哥州,亚利桑那州东南角,新墨西哥州南部和德克萨斯州的大部分地区。它也是生物学上最多样化的。从历史上看,奇瓦瓦沙漠是在同一地区可以找到灰熊,狼和美洲虎的少数地方之一。


在过去的500年中,大型哺乳动物物种的丧失。Vynne et al.


恢复诸如此类的大型哺乳动物的完整社区并不容易。在整个历史中,人们都担心大型动物,尤其是掠食者,证明了政治上的方便措施以最大程度地减少其数量,甚至完全消除了它们。俄勒冈州立大学研究人员克里斯托弗·沃尔夫(Christopher Wolf)和威廉·J·罗普尔(William J. Ripple)计算世界上有64%的剩余大食肉动物处于灭绝的危险中,80%的人正在下降。根据丹麦奥尔胡斯大学生态学教授詹斯·基督教徒的说法,生态学纸,世界上大型草食动物的状态几乎是可怕的,59%在74种重220磅或更多的大型草食动物中,受到灭绝的威胁。

The body of scientific literature documenting the importance of top predators and herbivores has revealed how their loss destabilizes and even unravels ecosystems. In the absence of predators, for example, populations of herbivores often explode. In the eastern U.S., deer were once kept in check by wolves and mountain lions. Today, booming deer populations are preventing keystone species such as oaks from reproducing and have literally devoured the understory habitat of hooded warblers and other birds.


研究还表明,健康的动物种群在隔离碳中起着重要作用。耶鲁大学环境学院生态学家奥斯瓦尔德·施密茨(Oswald J.“我们必须抽出大量的CO2并将其存放在地球上以稳定温度。”他说。“动物可以帮助我们更快地实现这一目标。”施密茨(Schmitz)及其同事在全球重新野生联盟(Rewilding Alliance)中计算出,濒临灭绝,恢复和保护受到威胁和威胁的动物可能会使世界各地的碳吸收增加1.5至3倍或更多。

从2003年到2010年,Resolve生物多样性和气候团队主任Carly Vynne,也是188金博网注册就送188生态学纸, studied maned wolves, pumas, jaguars, tapirs, giant anteaters, and giant armadillos in what she calls “one of those special places in the world,” the Brazilian Cerrado. “This was a place that really got me thinking about what it takes to keep the full assemblages of species in place,” she says. She and her colleagues decided to update a previous paper on the world’s remaining communities of large mammals to add a critical missing dimension to current efforts to strengthen global biodiversity targets. As they got into it, she says, they decided to not only update the paper but make it more forward-looking by focusing on “where we might be able to feasibly恢复大型哺乳动物组合。”


EURASIAN LYNX。Tomas Hulik / Artpoint

Vynne and her coauthors point out that most of the earth’s land surface still has some large mammals, but the intact communities of herbivores and predators that existed centuries ago are now gone. Areas with more than three missing species, they conclude, are likely to be degraded, or the threat of hunting may be severe. To accelerate reintroduction planning, they identify those 20 key species with the greatest potential to quickly increase the amount of land globally with intact large mammal communities. Nine of the priority herbivores and predators are globally threatened, and nearly all are species of conservation concern at national or regional levels, so reintroducing them would not only stabilize and restore the integrity of ecosystems but help save them from extinction.


Their proposed strategy, they believe, can boost the percentage of land globally with intact communities of large mammals from 15 to 23 percent. How high should this percentage be to stabilize ecosystems and wildlife populations around the world? “Personally” says conservation biologist Reed Noss, an early advocate for rewilding and a coauthor of the paper, “I think that the 50 percent of the Earth that many people now agree should be protected should also be rewilded with large animals.”







在过去的二十年中,墨西哥灰狼已被重新引入亚利桑那州和新墨西哥州。吉姆·克拉克 /美国鱼类和野生动物服务

成功的野生努力通常涉及一致努力,以促进人们与野生动植物之间的共存。例如,从她在El Uno开始的时间开始,NélidaBarajas就设想了该牧场不仅是研究人员的生命实验室,而且还设想了一个教育中心,邻近的牧场主可以了解新的,可持续的放牧实践。她着手表明“我们不是来自城市反对牲畜的疯狂生物学家”,而是科学家和土地管理者“为所有人寻求解决方案”。如今,埃洛野牛(El Uno Bison)是种子群,为沙漠其他地区提供动物。

同时,在他们首次返回亚利桑那州和新墨西哥州二十年来,墨西哥灰狼的前景终于开始变得明亮。去年年底,大约196个墨西哥灰狼在蓝色山脉恢复区横跨亚利桑那州纽约墨西哥边境。Mexico’s National Commission of Natural Protected Areas (CONANP) recently released two wolf pairs in the state of Chihuahua, bringing the country’s wild wolf population to 45. This is thanks in part to measures to ease, if not eliminate, the acrimony over the predator’s comeback. For example, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service has been installing electric fences, and range riders monitor wolves with radio collars to keep wolf packs and cattle apart. Just as important, ranchers are compensated for the loss of their livestock.

五年前,埃尔帕索动物园(El Paso Zoo)的嘉莉·特鲁多(Carrie Trudeau)在亚利桑那州的吉拉山脉(Gila Mountains)维修围栏上,为减少狼牛的遭遇而贡献了狼幼犬的贡献。经过艰苦的一天,在柱子和刺铁丝网上敲打着,她和她的同事聚集在篝火旁,听着他们的一位向导讲述了一个故事。突然,他停了下来。特鲁多回忆说:“然后我们可以听到狼的how叫。”“这是令人困扰的,有点让你一直颤抖。”她说,这是他们在漫长的一天的艰难工作中的奖励。“我知道这是拟人化的,但就像狼在说谢谢。”