The Greenidge Generation Bitcoin mining facility, located in a former coal plant on the shore of Seneca Lake, New York.

The Greenidge Generation Bitcoin mining facility, located in a former coal plant on the shore of Seneca Lake, New York.Ted Shaffrey / AP



杰基·索尼奇(Jackie Sawicky)第一次得知比特币采矿业务即将到达达拉斯以南60英里的德克萨斯州乡村城市科西坎纳(Corsicana),当时她在4月27日发生在当地公共图书馆会议的Facebook视频上。特色演讲者是乍得·埃弗里特·哈里斯(Chad Everett Harris),他是一家位于科罗拉多州城堡摇滚的比特币矿业公司Riot Blockchain的执行副总裁。哈里斯(Harris)秃顶而舒适地饱满,穿着西装夹克和蓝色牛仔裤的敞开式衬衫,并以励志演讲者的速度传达了他的信息。


Riot已经在德克萨斯州罗克代尔经营该国最大的比特币矿山。当观众中有人问哈里斯是什么把他吸引到纳瓦罗县的所在地时(发音为“ nah--verr-o”在当地的话语中),他毫不犹豫地回答。“纳瓦罗开关!”他说,指的是192英里,345 Kilovolt的传输线的一部分,该线路从西得克萨斯州移至该州的东部地区,需求量很高。“和水,”他补充说。“您可以付出很多钱来将电力带到某个地方。但是你不能喝水。”

“He literally told us,” Sawicky says, “that he was coming to exploit our resources.”

经过some estimates, the world’s Bitcoin mining operations had an annual energy budget equal to the nation of Argentina.

To some people, Bitcoin — the most valuable and well-known of the 10,000 or so currently circulating cryptocurrencies — is nothing more than a pyramid scheme; to others, it represents the future of money: decentralized, unregulated, and tracked on a virtual ledger in the digital cloud that everyone can inspect, known as a blockchain. But its production consumes dizzying quantities of electricity. In May of 2022, the world’s sum total of Bitcoin mining operations had an annual energy budget nearly equal to the entire country of Argentina, or the Czech Republic, or, according to剑桥大学的比特币电力消耗指数,英格兰的所有茶壶都沸腾了26年。

在温暖的气候中,通过比特币方法(称为“工作证明”)进行加密货币开采,通常需要水冷却那些在玩比特币彩票时快速播放的机器(Riot说,它将在Corsicana使用新技术来减少它的新技术用水)。工作证明挖掘本质上是一个高风险的猜测游戏:计算机整天花费随机的64位数字,直到一个人匹配“正确”数字,如比特币的共识管理协议所确定的。在全球比特币服务器网络上,“您每天不停地每天有200亿千万次猜测,”阿姆斯特丹Vrije大学商业与经济学学院的研究人员Alex de Vries解释说。“尽管如此,只有一台机器每10分钟就能正确。”

The correct answer gets logged on Bitcoin’s blockchain, and the winner gets a reward: 6.2 Bitcoins. That’s not as much money as it used to be: In the coin’s current slump, each coin nets about $20,000, down from a high in November 2021 of just under $68,000.


Riot区块链在2021年在德克萨斯州罗克代尔的比特币采矿设施正在建设中。通过盖蒂图像标记Felix / AFP


在蒙大拿州的邦纳(Bonner),蒙大拿州的一个小城市,位于米苏拉县(Missoula County),比特币公司Hyperblock成立于2016年,几乎立即开始从Salish-Kootenai大坝中削减社区的水力发电供应;县专员戴夫·斯特罗迈尔(Dave Strohmaier)称该工厂的能源使用“怪诞”,高达该县的家庭需求的三分之一。当比特币开始时,比特币在库维德大流行开始时破产了。随后,该县制定了一项首次分区条例,除其他外,需要加密的人提供自己的新可再生能源。

在纽约州北部也有类似的情况。该地区最初以2.6 gigawatt的大量廉价水力电力吸引了加密货币剂Niagara Power Project。2017年,当比特币公司Coinmint在普拉茨堡(Plattsburgh)的家庭美元商店后面的空缺中建立,这是一个居民不到20,000的城市,电力成本占全国平均水平的三分之一。纽约州立大学的经济学和金融教授,普拉茨堡(Plattsburgh)的经济学和金融教授科林·雷德(Colin Read)说,比特币矿工已注册为工业消费者。“我们的工业税率不到每千瓦时2美分,这可能是世界上最低的。”



Plattsburgh quickly imposed a moratorium on new crypto-mining operations while city officials figured out how to make it more efficient. “We imposed a regulation that says Bitcoin miners have to recycle a share of their heat,” Read says. After that, “they simply weren’t interested in coming here anymore. They always migrate to the places with the least regulation.”

比特币采矿在其他国家也面临类似的挑战。尽管中国曾经是用于加密货币的全球最大供应商,但在2021年秋天宣布了所有虚拟货币活动,但部分原因是矿业“产生了高碳排放”。(该国的中央银行还希望开发自己的数字硬币。)冰岛国家电力公司Landsvirkjun曾经以其气候友好的地热能吸引了加密货币矿工,开始拒绝向新矿工拒绝新矿工的权力。2021年末。Even Iran, where the oversight-free nature of peer-to-peer currency had enabled entrepreneurs to dodge international sanctions, found crypto-mining so burdened its grid that the government was forced to ban it — first for four months beginning in May 2021, then again the following December, as heating demands strained its electricity supply.

Neither energy consumption nor water nor Bitcoin’s volatility have deterred the elected leaders of Texas, who have welcomed the industry with effervescent enthusiasm.州长格雷格·雅培(Greg Abbott)在签署法案后发推文说:“区块链是德克萨斯州蓬勃发展的商业。”(Texas was the second state to do so, after Wyoming.) And the miners have come, reveling in the state’s wide-open spaces, where the rattling fans that cool their hard-working rigs can operate without disturbing the neighbors, and abundant cheap energy keeps overhead low. Whereas once China hosted 75 percent of the crypto-mining business, now the United States is home to 40 percent of the activity, and四分之一of it happens in Texas.

An armed guard patrols rows of computers at a crypto-mining operation in Bratsk, Russia.

An armed guard patrols rows of computers at a crypto-mining operation in Bratsk, Russia.Andrey Rudakov / Bloomberg via Getty Images

哈里斯(Harris)在科西卡纳图书馆(Corsicana图书馆)宣布这一消息后三天,杰基·塞基(Jackie Sawicky)创立了纳瓦罗县(Navarro County)的关注公民,以元帅反对Riot Blockhain的Corsicana计划。超过600人已经签署了一份请愿书来制止该矿山,该组织在其Facebook页面上有500多名成员,Swicky和其他人在那里发布了有关其州的网格和水灾的新闻报道。

“We’re going to be paying increased electricity bills to upgrade ERCOT’s grid to accommodate these places,” she says, referring to Texas’s independent system operator, the Electric Reliability Council of Texas. The grid notoriously slumped under the strain of winter storm Uri in 2021, cutting power to more than 4 million homes and businesses, many of which relied on electricity to heat their buildings. Hundreds of people died from极端冷的暴露或医疗设备的故障。

Harris has insisted in新闻故事开采仅在需求时使用过多的电力;当网格被超载时,Ercot向他们发出了关闭的信用,矿工可以在几分钟之内做到这一点。他说,这样,Riot参与“需求响应”实际上可以稳定Ercot的未解决和孤立的网格。

荷兰研究员德·弗里斯(De Vries)说,这至少是部分正确的。但是公司参与需求响应并不是完全利他。他指出,RIOT区块链向美国证券交易委员会提交的文件清楚地指出,该公司将仅支付每千瓦时2.5美分的电力,其电力比居住利率低10至11美分。Riot区块链发言人Trystine Payfer确认,该数字“代表了我们的权力成本”。该计划是一个很好的交易:这意味着,当电力供应紧张并且RIOT自愿关闭时,公司就会获得电力的积分。如果像2021年的冬季风暴一样,电价的价格高达每千瓦时9千瓦时,那么从电网上拔下电源可能比保持采矿比特币更有利可图。



尽管如此,德·弗里斯(De Vries)认为,很难看到这不会推动所有人的价格上涨。他指出,该公用事业公司仍然必须购买该电力,并且在需求响应计划下的信用额度来自其他客户支付账单时的资金。

“We have a saying here in Texas,” Sawicky says. “Don’t piss on my boots and tell me it’s raining. And that’s pretty much what’s going on.”

并非每个社区都以Sawicky小组的方式进行比特币开采。Riot Blockchain的Rockdale设施,最初建立在100 formerly forested acres在前Alcoa铝工厂附近,大多数情况下一直是该社区的福音,该社区长期以来一直是一个公司城镇,围绕着现在的工厂旋转。哈里斯在科西卡纳发射会议上说:“我们重建了动物收容所。”“当我得知孩子们在公园里没有灯光时,我们将灯光放在球场上。一年来,我们租了整个酒店。”另一家比特币矿业公司比特尔(Bitdeer)在附近开设了商店,并为罗克代尔(Rockdale)的志愿消防员购买了紧急呼吸机设备。

但是,科西卡纳(Corsicana)认为,科西卡纳(Corsicana)是不同的。人们来纳瓦罗县(Navarro County)进行农业和开放空间。我们有野生动植物。我们有两对嵌套秃鹰和大量迁徙的鸟类。我担心所有这些。”


萨尔瓦多的一个地热植物,在现场为比特币开采提供动力。Vladimir Chamorro Tobar / AFP通过Getty Images

Mostly she worries about electricity prices. Electricity prices in Texas are already up 70 percent over what they were a year ago. “We have a 15 percent poverty rate in Navarro County,” Sawicky notes. “We can’t pay more for electricity than we already do.”

Some ambitious Bitcoin miners have tried to eliminate their pressure on utilities by buying up their own fossil-fuel plants to power their mining activities. The coal-firedGreenidge power plantin New York’s Finger Lakes region, decommissioned in 2010 and revived seven years later as a gas-fired plant, in 2021 became a gas-powered Bitcoin mine; 120 miles west, in North Tonawanda, Canadian cryptominer Digihost intends to inhabit a still-operational gas-fired power plant using the plant’s power to mine its coin.

But more such projects in New York State could be in peril if Governor Kathy Hochul signs a pending bill instituting a two-year moratorium on new fossil-fueled proof-of-work crypto-mining in the state.账单,,,,passed by New York legislators on June 3, is designed to give the state time to evaluate how the technology fits within the state’s 2019 climate law, which commits New York to 100 percent zero-emissions electricity by 2040. The state law would be the first in the country restricting cryptocurrency mining.

阅读不认为该法案足够了。他说:“即使比特币矿工不使用碳氢化合物,他们正在取代可再生能源”,这些能源将用于其他目的。“而且没有简单的方法来衡量这一点。”他说,无论矿工是否使用清洁能源,比特币将继续增加该州化石燃料的功率的使用。霍克尔州长也没有承诺签署立法。她和纽约市市长埃里克·亚当斯(Eric Adams)都要求她考虑否决权,并从加密货币行业获得了大量捐款。


有多种方法可以减少能源利用,从而减少加密货币开采的气候影响。一些能源公司已经制定了从石油和天然气钻探中捕获逃亡甲烷的计划,并将其转移到专门用于比特币采矿的电厂。Crusoe Energy已经开始在北达科他州和科罗拉多州进行此类业务,并计划扩展到德克萨斯州和新墨西哥州。另一家公司,卡斯珀,基于怀俄明州Jai Energy专门为利用废气来开采比特币。从理论上讲,这一过程可能是气候的净胜利,因为油田的甲烷通常是乙醚的爆发或排气,从而将快速行动的行星温暖的气体释放到大气中。


雷德说,验证证明“意味着您可以将所有这些环境问题都在加密货币中,” Read说。多种货币,例如Cardano和Peercoin,专门使用验证证明;以太坊是比特币旁边的第二大硬币,是在过渡到股份证明的过程中。

In fact, “almost all cryptocurrency currencies are mined with proof-of-stake right now,” Read says. “We just don’t hear about it so much because Bitcoin represents 99 percent of all capitalization in cryptocurrency.” There may come a day when you get auto and home loans on a smartphone with decentralized, digital currency. But that currency probably won’t be energy-devouring proof-of-work Bitcoin.
