
森林砍伐的泥炭地清除了2014年在印度尼西亚苏门答腊制造纸浆和纸制品的清理工作。Ulet Ifansasti/Getty

Despite Government Pledges, Ravaging of Indonesia’s Forests Continues


从印度尼西亚第三大城市梅丹(Medan)到苏门答腊中部高地的世界上最大的火山湖托巴湖(Lake Toba)开车,该国森林砍伐的程度变得非常明确。几个小时以来,一个游客在种植园后经过种植园(这里是棕榈油,纸浆)一直到湖周围的小型保护森林环。

Global demand for forest commodities has devastated major portions of the world’s third-largest tropical forest, with Indonesia losing more than100,000平方英里的林地和泥炭地- 一个比英国大的地区 - 从1990年到2015年,对世界上一个生物多样性热点之一造成了巨大打击。188金博网注册就送188仅苏门答腊岛损失了29,000平方英里- 从1990年到2010年,大约三分之一的森林。

七年前,这种无情的通行费导致印度尼西亚宣布暂停关于在不受干扰的热带森林和泥炭地登录新的让步 - 这一举动对茎森林损失以及随附的大火,雾霾和温室气体的排放至关重要。那是在不久之后出现的10亿美元的保证from the government of Norway as part of the then-nascent Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) program, led many to hope that this was an important step toward reversing decades of deforestation in Indonesia. Adding to the momentum were zero-deforestation pledges from companies like亚洲Pulp & Paperand the消费品论坛,其中包括主要的棕榈油购买者,例如火星,百事可乐和Proctor&Gamble。

At least 10,000 square miles of primary forest and peatlands — the equivalent of five islands the size of Bali — have disappeared since the moratorium.

然而,在暂停宣布近七年后,该倡议未能阻止印尼群岛上森林和泥炭地的丧失。卫星监测表明,棕榈油和纸种植园继续扩大,至少有10,000平方英里的原发性森林和泥炭地(相当于巴厘岛的五个岛屿),自从暂停生效以来就消失了。一个分析。在2015年,巨大的厄尔尼诺(ElNiño-Fuel)火灾事件- 与燃烧的土地清理有关 - 被认为是印尼历史上最糟糕的17.5亿吨二氧化碳进入大气 -nearly twice what Germany doesin a year, according tot他全球火灾排放数据库

暂停的森林运动者ASEP Komarudin表示,东南亚森林活动家ASEP Komarudin说:“印度尼西亚的自然资源治理,尤其是在林业领域,没有显着改善。”

确实,几年前,印度尼西亚成为森林砍伐的世界领导人,超越巴西。埃里克·梅亚德(Erik Meijaard),一位保护科学家,创立了婆罗洲期货倡议说,他在印尼婆罗洲几乎没有变化,那里的棕榈油种植园继续扩大。

“If fact, there was a marked increase of deforestation after 2010… you get a very rapid expansion of the oil palm industry into forest areas, so if a moratorium was called in 2011, it didn’t seem to have an impact on the oil palm sector at least,” said Meijaard.Data from Global Forest Watchshows a similar pattern – little change in deforestation rates across the country since the moratorium went into effect.

Forest loss (areas in pink) in Indonesia from 2001 to 2016.

Forest loss (areas in pink) in Indonesia from 2001 to 2016.全球森林观察

the reasons for this are manifold. First, there is the weakness of the moratorium itself, which was only a so-called Presidential Instruction, not a legally binding statute, meaning it lacked strong enforcement mechanisms. Moreover, the moratorium only applied to new concessions, not existing concessions that had already been ceded to companies and smallholders, but had not yet been cut down or burned. Adding to the moratorium’s ineffectiveness are ongoing problems with corruption, and the drive — particularly after the election of Joko “Jokowi” Widodo to the presidency in 2014 — to rapidly expand the economy. Moreover, government weakness and inefficiency also have meant that Norway’s pledged funds have scarcely been used to protect forests.

更多的over, the zero-deforestation pledges made by corporations have not yet had a major impact. A study published earlier this year in自然气候变化分析了450家公司的承诺,发现大多数人不足以自行减少森林砍伐。该报告的作者认为,公司还需要推动各级政府在全球范围内打击森林砍伐。


“The very important steps in the right direction that Indonesia has taken are unfairly characterized as failures because the whole big ship has not turned around yet,” said Jonah Busch, an environmental economist and a visiting fellow at the全球发展中心。“如果没有暂停,森林砍伐可能会更高。”


保护主义者说,问题是,必要的变化并没有足够快地进行,无法保护印度尼西亚的景观和生物多样性。188金博网注册就送188这个国家有350,000平方英里的热带森林, the third-largest area in the world after Brazil and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. According toprofauna这是印尼非营利组织的印尼野生动植物保护,印度尼西亚在世界上首先是地方性鸟类和哺乳动物。一个世界上只有1.3%土地的国家拥有其17%的野生动植物物种。

Astudy于2月份出版当前的生物学found that nearly 150,000 orangutans had been lost in Borneo from 1999 to 2015, chiefly due to habitat loss. The Sumatran rhino, the smallest of all living rhinoceroses and the only Asian rhino with two horns, iscritically endangered;保存犀牛,a wildlife conservation group, estimates that fewer than100 of the animals留在野外。现在,它们仅在苏门答腊剩下的雨林的几片中发现,其中最大的是Leuser生态系统, is facing a major threat from agribusiness.


One of 73 fires detected on peatland or in forests early last month that caused haze on the island of Sumatra. 

One of 73 fires detected on peatland or in forests early last month that caused haze on the island of Sumatra.wahyudi/afp/getty


在全球范围内,与森林和土地干扰有关的排放造成了大约所有温室气体排放的四分之一, according to data from the World Bank. Indonesia is the largest global contributor to these emissions, spewing 240 to 447 million tons of CO2 annually from land disturbance alone,根据数据from Global Forest Watch. Gaining control over these emissions by reducing deforestation would make an important contribution to helping meet global CO2 emissions-reduction targets, scientists say.


A core problem is a lack of incentives for developing countries to protect forests, especially when faced with the need to expand their economies.

这样的命令将挪威的承诺驱使印度尼西亚。根据挪威环境和气候部的说法,到目前为止,挪威承诺的10亿美元中只有12%已被支付,并且该部分已被指定为帮助印尼政府正确监控,评估和传播减少垃圾森林砍伐的付款。挪威气候和环境部长奥拉·埃尔维斯图恩(Ola Elvestuen)告诉Yale Environment 360


挪威的承诺本来只有开始,其他国家也效仿。但是额外的气候融资尚未实现。发达国家同意将1000亿美元投入Green Climate Fund作为抵抗气候变化的巴黎协议的一部分,仅付出了约100亿美元。从欧洲和加拿大等地的碳信用额和贸易计划链接的碳信用资金中获得较低的收入,并且您在Redd+等计划的投资方面存在重大资金差距。

“The amount of money that’s on the table for conserving forests is not nearly enough to compete with the amount of money that is changing hands every day for clearing forests for palm oil and paper pulp,” said Busch.

Indonesia's 2011 deforestation moratorium did not ban logging on land already approved for oil palm or pulp operations, such as this oil palm concession in Ketapang, West Kalimantan.

印度尼西亚2011年的森林砍伐暂停未禁止在已经批准用于油棕或纸浆作战的土地上登录,例如在西卡利曼丹Ketapang的油棕特许经营。Ulet Ifansasti/绿色和平组织



根据印度尼西亚的科学家Shintia Arwida的说法国际林业研究中心,政府最终建立了一个将作为主要资金机制的部门,这是接收和分散REDD+付款的关键步骤。然而,到目前为止,印度尼西亚的森林保护已成为经济发展的后排,这取决于扩大负责森林砍伐和火灾的行业。一个很好的例子:计划正在制定300万英亩的糖和油棕种植园在印尼巴布亚州,该国少数几个尚未看到大量森林砍伐的地区之一。


Yet as is often the case in Indonesia, defining progress is not easy. Earlier this year, the Ministry of Forestry released what seemed to be good news for the country’s remaining forests. According to their data, deforestation had decreased in the past two years. However, dig deeper into the data and a different reality emerges: Pulpwood plantationswere counted as “forests.”Only by defining deforestation as forests could Indonesia show it was making progress.