
日本福岛工厂的灾难说服德国总理安吉拉·默克尔(Angela Merkel),核电对她的国家来说永远不会成为可行的选择。现在,默克尔已经制定了世界上最雄心勃勃的计划,为可再生能源的工业经济推动工业经济。

德国总理安吉拉·默克尔(Angela Merkel)只是左翼绿色的。她领导的政党,基督教民主联盟,是美国共和党人的政治等同,她的联合政府绝对是亲商业。默克尔通常被描述为欧洲最强大的政治家,最重的是创造就业和经济增长。



“We want to end the use of nuclear energy and reach the age of renewable energy as fast as possible,” Merkel said.

After the chancellor’s surprising announcement, opposition parties from the left decried it as a political stunt, an act of opportunism, and even panic, ahead of key regional elections in Southern Germany. But after these elections were lost by her party, Merkel soldiered on. In the past weeks, government officials have already offered details of the “energy turn,” as Merkel calls the change.

The plan makes Germany the world’s most important laboratory of ‘green growth.’



But why would Merkel have Germany do what other big nations deem too risky and too expensive? Is she prepared to sacrifice Germany’s economic viability, which stems from manufacturing and technology export to a great extent?

显然,安吉拉·默克尔(Angela Merkel)对福岛灾难的反应与巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)和其他世界领导人完全不同。过去,默克尔也一直是核核。她坚信核电是安全和干净的,而切尔诺贝利的事故是苏联效率低下的结果,而不是技术本身。直到去年,她才努力将德国反应堆的运行时间平均增加12年,反对左派和环境团体的强烈反对。

安吉拉·默克尔(Angela Merkel)
总理安吉拉·默克尔(Angela Merkel)说,福岛灾难“永远改变了我们在德国的风险的方式。”


Then came the March disaster at the Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear power plant, which made the chancellor realize that she had been terribly wrong about the probability of a nuclear catastrophe in a highly advanced nation. Merkel’s scientific sense of probability and rationality was shaken to the core. If this was possible, she reasoned, something similar might happen in Germany — not a tsunami, of course, but something equally unexpected. In her view, the field trial of nuclear energy had failed. As a self-described rationalist, she felt compelled to act.



The new course is a huge challenge in terms of cost and feasibility. Of the current 82 gigawatts of peak demand, about half comes from coal, 23 percent from nuclear, 10 percent from natural gas, and 17 percent from renewables. That means three quarters of Germany’s electricity sources will have to be replaced by green technology within just a few decades, if the nuclear phase-out and the CO2 goals are to be accomplished.








Experts agree that the transition will be costly and carry economic risks. Already, consumers in Germany pay about 5 U.S. cents per kilowatt hour as a surcharge to finance the feed-in tariffs, which enable owners of wind turbines or geothermal installations to sell renewably generated electricity back to the grid at favorable rates. For an average family of four, this amounts to 220 U.S. dollars per year. And with investment needs in the hundreds of billions of Euros, consumers can expect a growing surcharge on their monthly bill. This will surely test Germans’ willingness to support Merkel’s plan.



Experts estimate that more than 4,000 kilometers of new “eco-electricity highways” are necessary to connect renewable power plants to consumers and avoid power outages. Storing green electricity when the wind is blowing strongly or when there is ample sunlight is an unsolved challenge.

But even if all technological problems are solved, it is not easy to roll them out nationwide. Many Germans don’t like the sight of wind turbines, which are called “asparagus.” New hydro plants and some wind power installations face fierce opposition. So do those “eco-electricity highways,” which still look like ordinary power lines to their neighbors. Local residents have yet to be convinced that they have to sacrifice undisturbed horizons for the greater good.

To the surprise of many, supplying an industrial nation with renewable energy also raises environmental concerns. The construction of offshore wind parks has been found to harm the ears of the harbor porpoise, a small whale species that is protected by law in Europe. Toxicologists are worried about dangerous level of cadmium, a heavy metal, in photovoltaic cells that might poison firefighters and create disposal problems in the future. And environmentalists are worried that the expansion of cornfields will dry out peaty soils, leading to greenhouse gas emissions, and be harmful for biological diversity. Germany would also have to rely more on natural gas, a fossil fuel, in the intermediate term if nuclear power will be phased out.

尽管有许多问题和陷阱,但总理的新课程已经引起了国外的钦佩。美国环境保护局前行政官威廉·赖利(William Reilly), said on a recent visit to Germany that he was impressed by Merkel’s energy turn and the example it sets for the rest of the industrialized world. “It was breathtaking to see this huge change by a conservative government,” he told me报告Der Spiegel杂志after meeting German politicians, NGOs, and business representatives.

日本人肯定在看。尽管日本总理纳托·坎(Naoto Kan)在5月8日重申了他对核电的支持,但日本驻柏林大使馆的官员已经大声地想知道,当像德国这样的国家正在采取大胆的步骤以蓬勃发展时,他们的政府将如何证明坚持核能。