
In the wake of the 2011 tsunami, the Japanese government is forgoing an opportunity to sustainably protect its coastline and is instead building towering concrete seawalls and other defenses that environmentalists say will inflict serious damage on coastal ecosystems.

在2011年3月11日大规模海啸之前的几年中,日本的沿海生态系统似乎几乎不会进一步下降。数十年的沿海工程已经从海洋中分开了土地,变成了古朴的海边城镇,灰色是混凝土的,并推动了曾经熟悉的物种,例如Loggerhead Sea Turples和Common Eartient Clams朝着灭绝。岛国近一半的外围被某种方式修改了。悬崖的大部分未触及。即使在政府内部,某种感觉也开始传播,在一个塑造文化和美食的国家中,沿海土地管理的转变是错误的。

Then came the once-in-a-thousand-year tsunami. Walls of water swept over the coast of northeastern Japan, claiming more than 15,000 lives and destroying hundreds of thousands of buildings, together with 60 percent of seawalls. In the rubble-covered wasteland that remained, scholars, activists, and fishermen alike saw a chance to rethink how people live on the coast.




“我们面临的可能性不是海啸,而是重建工作将消灭沿海地区极为重要的天然生态系统,”米亚吉(Miyagi)宫廷仙台(Miyagi Perface)Tohoku Gakuin大学的植物生态学家Yoshihiko Hirabuki说。在某种程度上,问题在于,许多新的海墙将比海啸之前更高,更宽,甚至可能更长,这危害了海滨生态系统,这些生态系统设法在早期的沿海工程中生存下来。但是,希拉布基(Hirabuki)和其他人也感到沮丧,因为政府通过实施新的,更可持续的沿海管理策略,使难得的机会开始治愈过去的伤害。

Hirabuki是日本东北部海啸之后对潮汐公寓,湿地,海滩和海湾进行调查的众多科学家之一,得出的结论是,尽管某些地点有严重损害,但野生动植物仍在强烈康复。他说,仙台海岸上的植物群落已经“超出了所有期望”,并将海滩的一些部分描述为当地蜜蜂物种嗡嗡作响的本地植物花园。海啸创造了新的栖息地:在2011 - 2012年对灾区的调查中,日本自然保护协会确定了二十个新沼泽。

An illustration of a seawall planned in Miyagi Prefecture, one of the areas most affected by the 2011 tsunami. MIYAGI PREFECTURE


The central government’s environmental impact assessment laws do not apply to seawalls, disaster prevention forests, and two-lane roads like those being built and planned on the coast. However, Miyagi and Iwate Prefectures have set up committees to discuss the potential environmental impact of the work.

“当我们进行建筑工作时,我们正在考虑每个生态系统并从专家那里收到建议,”负责Seaayuki Kadowaki负责Seawall Planning担任宫城公共工程部河流部门总监,他在一封电子邮件中说。


日本自然保护学会主任Ryuichi Yokoyama说:“我们有失去的巨大风险是海滨本身。”他说,日本东北部的沿海生态系统很难保护,因为它们既狭窄又与计划的沿海工程项目相一致:“您的区域可能是五分之一英里宽的区域,” Yokoyama说。“您建造了一条海堤和一条道路,一英里的第五英里就消失了。”

‘What we are at great risk of is losing the seashore itself,’ says one scientist.

九州大学环境工程教授Satoquo Seino说,这是沿海土地使用首次成为国家辩论的问题。

“[When policy is set] disaster prevention comes first — ecosystems are secondary,” says Seino, who sits on the central government’s specialist advisory group for coastal policy. Government planners are making an effort to listen to recommendations from ecologists. But, said Seino, “Those groups don’t have political power or money. Opinions from the construction industry take priority, so we are not seeing any big changes.”

The roots of the coastal land-use debate go deep. People first began moving from higher elevations down toward Japan’s seashore, which offered rare expanses of flat land, at the beginning of the Edo period (1603-1868), Seino says. “Over a period of 400 years Japanese moved further and further into these dangerous areas, as modernization allowed for more public works projects,” she explains. “[Today], by law, the land management concept is to claim everything down to the high-tide line as human territory.”




Before the tsunami, Miyagi Prefecture — which has a mile or more of flat land between the mountains and sea in many places — generally had fewer and shorter seawalls than neighboring regions. Some beaches lacked them altogether. In the northeastern district of Kesennuma, activist and oyster farmer Makoto Hatakeyama says tiny inlets like the one where he lives remained in a relatively natural state. “People had a close relationship with the sea,” he says.

Now, Miyagi’s government is planning to greatly increase the height and width of many seawalls. In Hatakeyama’s hamlet, the prefecture proposed a wall 32 feet high — to the utter disbelief of Hatakeyama and his fellow fishermen and women.

Marine ecologist Takao Suzuki stands alongside plastic covering designed to help crabs climb over a seawall. WINIFRED BIRD

高海铃木, a marine ecologist at Sendai’s Tohoku University, says a number of the new walls will fragment or smother tidal flats. That has already happened in one part of famously beautiful Matsushima Bay, north of Sendai.



解决方案do exist. Hirabuki is pushing government planners to forgo raised banks in some places and intersperse pine seedlings with existing plants. Seino recommends building seawalls further inland, where they won’t fragment marshes, dunes, tidal flats, or beaches. (Setback also allows for shorter, narrower walls). The most fundamental solution, of course, is resettlement on higher land. Preserving an undeveloped buffer zone along the coast leaves people safer and nature intact, Seino and the Nature Conservation Society’s Yokoyama point out.

Construction materials for a seawall near the Gamo tidal flats in Miyagi Prefecture. WINIFRED BIRD


即使社区决定将大批土地转移到更高的土地上,仍然存在问题。例如,在Oyster Farmer Hatakeyama的钓鱼小村庄中,所有30个家庭决定搬迁的事实并不影响三层楼高的海堤的计划。直到Hatakeyama(其父亲是宫城最著名的环保主义者之一),该计划被取消了请愿活动。

Seino does see signs of policy change ahead.

