
长江被大坝雕刻而成,用作开放的下水道,并经历了数十年的过度捕捞。现在,中国科学家 - 因长江河和其他生物的消失而感到震惊 - 呼吁在世界第三长河中钓鱼10年。



About 40 percent of China’s 1.3 billion people live in the Yangtze River basin.


Overfishing, pollution, and habitat fragmentation from dams — including the massive Three Gorges Dam — have brought the Yangtze to its current state. With计划更多的水坝
中国官员以无限制的经济增长陶醉,对长江消失的物种的未来似乎也一样。香港大学的水生生态学家戴维·达吉登(David Dudgeon)说,“很快将很快成为其自然状态的形象,几乎没有持续存在的前景。”188金博网注册就送188

但是,一切都没有丢失。季节性捕鱼禁令使一些物种喘口气。“我们可以保存长江的剩余生态,”水生生物学研究所在武汉。他和其他人指望的潜在救世主是10年的垂死者。这样的禁令似乎似乎很剧烈,但它会对鱼类市场产生很小的影响,因为扬兹提供了不到中国淡水鱼生产的1%,包括水产养殖。禁令是可行的 - 如果可以召集政治意志来实施政治意志。专家说,随着长江的生态健康在明显的下降和禁令的经济损失下,暂停的前景看起来越来越好。

The Yangtze has 378 fish species, including 162 that are unique, or endemic, to the river.

The Yangtze, the world’s third-longest river, flows 3,900 miles from its origins on the Tibetan Plateau to Shanghai, situated at the mouth of the Yangtze on the East China Sea. Around 40 percent of China’s 1.3 billion people live in the Yangtze basin, and the region accounts for one-third of the country’s GDP. “The Yangtze is so important for China’s economic development,” says Wang Ding, a specialist on cetaceans at the Institute of Hydrology. “That makes it very difficult to protect river life.”


When Wang came to the Institute of Hydrology as a young researcher in 1982, he says, “Nobody was talking about conservation.” By the end of the decade, however, the institute realized that theBaiji受到危害,科学家开始寻找保护河流生态的方法。根据最新的统计,长江有378种鱼类,其中162种是独特或流行的河流。





Another threat to wildlife is the vast engineering works that have transformed the Yangtze basin. The river is connected to a dense network of tributaries, lakes, and wetlands, some of which have been severed by dams and levees from the Yangtze to protect communities from flooding when river levels rise during the summer monsoon season. “The Yangtze is a complex ecological system,” says Wang. “Animals once could move freely through it. That’s not the case anymore.”


Hydropower projects have created even more daunting barriers. The Gezhouba Dam, completed in 1981, took a heavy toll on Yangtze fish: It blocked breeding migrations, fragmented populations, and degraded spawning sites of paddlefish and sturgeon, Dudgeon reported in the April issue of the journal水上保护. The Three Gorges Dam, finished in 2003, is an even more effective barrier to migration, he says, and has had a devastating effect on some fish populations.

“影响是巨大的。三只峡谷以下的鱼类资源遭受了苦难。” Xie说。扬兹的四种主要鲤鱼物种 - Bighead,Black,Blass和Silver-在夏季降雨期间水位上升时产卵。三只峡谷略微改变了水位以下水位的季节性变化。调查发现下游的鲤鱼卵和幼虫急剧下降。“大坝已经破坏了产卵场,” Xie说。

随着袭击的生态系统,长江比以往任何时候都更容易受到其主要仇恨:渔民。Xie说,直到1980年左右,扬兹渔民都使用了小船和网,因此鱼的压力并不那么沉重。然后,该行业变得更加机械化 - 拖网渔船变得更大,篮网更加精致 - 鱼类的股票也被锤击。为了补偿,孵化场已经补充了鲤鱼和其他关键物种的库存。自2000年以来,杨氏省的省份制定了为期三个月的捕鱼禁令,涵盖了产卵季节。注册渔民获得包括大米在内的补贴。预计政府将从明年开始将禁令延长到四个月。

但是该策略可能注定要失败。在2007年夏天,Xie的团队发现,加丁湖中的渔民是与河流相关的长江洪泛区的两个大湖泊之一 - 估计每天有660万幼鲤鱼。Xie说:“与这种巨大的收获相比,商业物种的孵化场释放数量很小,毫无意义。”少年鱼太小,无法用来人民,被磨碎并用作水产养殖饲料。

有针对性的钓鱼禁令将有助于某些物种。可能保存的一条鱼是卷轴,一种an鱼。扬长下游的鱼类范围一直在缩小,它比几十年前的一个月晚了。过度捕捞可减少每年春季鱼在产卵中游泳的距离。“迁移距离的损失是无法修复的,” Xie说。这意味着遗传多样性将下降,使凤尾鱼更容易灭绝。


四面楚歌的鱼可能会因其自身的受欢迎程度而得救。在3月下旬和4月初,一个传统的食用凤尾鱼的时间,较大的鱼的价格可以超过每公斤500美元(每磅226美元)。在去年的一项研究中,西耶发现,大鱼只占捕捞量的2%,但渔民收入的一半以上。Xie:Ban Anchovy钓鱼从4月15日起,大多数大鱼都被捕获在本赛季初,所以解决方案很简单,当时所有剩下的都是炸薯条。农业部的渔业局同意今年实施该禁令。确定这种方法是否将保留an鱼截断的迁徙范围的剩余内容,将需要几年的时间。



compensation and be steered into other lines of work, the institute’s scientists say. All told, around 100,000 people — the fishers and their families — depend on the Yangtze for their survival. Some fishers could be dispatched overseas as a kind of aquatic Peace Corps to advise less-developed countries on fisheries management, says former Institute of Hydrology ecologist Chen Peixun, China’s topBaiji专家。

Such a ban would have to be decreed by the Fisheries Bureau. So far, government officials are unmoved, but Wang says there is reason for optimism. “Since the situation of the Yangtze has been getting worse and worse, and the ban will have very little impact on the economy, it will be quite possible to impose a 10-year ban sometime in the next decade,” he says. A moratorium, adds Chen, “may be the only hope for the Yangtze.”
