
社会生态学家斯蒂芬·凯特(Stephen Kellert)是一位热情的拥护者,要求将自然世界的各个方面融入我们的建筑环境中。在接受耶鲁环境360的采访中,他解释了我们可以从大教堂中学到的东西,为什么医院的鲜花可以治愈以及绿色设计如何提高企业的底线。

社会生态学家斯蒂芬·凯勒特(Stephen R. Kellert)在他的职业生涯中大部分时间都在思考和写作生物友善,这是对自然的天生亲和力。他最近的书(与共同编辑朱迪思·H·海尔瓦根(Judith H. Heerwagen)和马丁·麦多(Martin L.生物学设计:使建筑物栩栩如生的理论,科学和实践。这是一种探索我们如何通过设计生活和工作的建筑物和社区的方式脱离自然的一种探索。这是将这些空间重新连接到自然世界的争论,其中有大量的窗户,日光,新鲜空气,植物和绿色空间,天然材料以及来自自然世界的装饰图案。


斯蒂芬·凯勒特(Stephen R. Kellert)


凯勒特本人最近在耶鲁大学林业与环境研究学院进行了生物友善的思想,他是特威迪/奥德韦社会生态学教授。作为驾驶思想家之一学校新总部的设计,他于今年年初开业,成功推动了从学校自己的森林,绿色庭院和许多其他生物嗜生物特征中使用木质表面。凯特(Kellert)还曾担任诸如美国银行在曼哈顿中城的新办公大楼,高盛(Goldman Sachs)的泽西城校园以及华盛顿特区的新西德威尔朋友中学校园等著名绿色建筑项目的顾问。



史蒂文·凯特(Steven Kellert):一个简单的统计数据是,大多数在美国办公楼工作的人在无窗的环境中工作。例如,看看我们装饰或不装饰医院房间的方式。他们中的许多人都是无窗的,尤其是较旧的种类。他们贫瘠。没有太多尝试纳入任何形式的有机特征(甚至模拟有机特征)。罗杰·乌尔里希(Roger Ulrich)最近进行了一项很好的研究。有相同的急诊室。一个是这个无窗,贫瘠的环境,墙壁上没有什么,最卑鄙,最卑鄙的家具。这是一个以敌意,焦虑甚至行为行为为特征的房间。然后他们改变了房间 - 它是同一个房间,仍然没有窗户,但是他们将装饰放在那里有天然材料,在沙发上有模仿自然形式的图案。 they had pictures on the wall. I have a picture of the two side by side — and you only have to see it to recognize in yourself which place would you rather be, and the empirical data was dramatic. Less hostility, less aggression, less acting-out behavior, and this is not just amenity value, it’s actual performance and productivity.

工作场所也发生了同样的事情。为什么人们会在这些无窗的环境中经历标记士气和疲劳以及更高的缺勤?Why are they far far more likely to try to incorporate some kind of — usually fairly pathetic — but to incorporate some kind of expression of organic quality — they’ll have a Sierra Club calendar, they’ll have a potted plant, much more likely than say somebody working in a perimeter in a windowed environment. The problem is that that’s really superficial, there’s not really an experiential engagement, and so after a while even though you’ve got a beautiful Sierra Club calendar you barely see it anymore, it’s like your screensaver, which saves you for a little while and then it’s just background Muzak, or whatever.


凯特:我想说的是,最低的水果是最简单的事情,是自然的光,在您可以的范围内 - 自然通风会有所帮助。当然是装饰。从建筑物中远古时代开始,我们所做的很多事情都是以我们几乎没有意识到的方式将我们的自然经验进行背景。When you go into a cathedral, which often has many biophilic elements in the way in which it manipulates light and space and air, and material and shape and form, and color sometimes as well, you know people don’t say “ah, nature,” it’s not obvious, it’s not a direct experiential contact with self-sustaining nature. It’s what I call vicarious or representational nature. A lot of this is retrieving things that we’ve done in the past, intuitively and instinctually, and I use the word advisedly, because I think these are biological tendencies, inclinations. As we became more machine-oriented and thought of the world as a human-engineered world, I think we’ve kind of lost sight of those needs.


凯特:我们有法律可以保护动物免受我们认为在心理上有退化,堕落或使人衰弱的环境。And the irony, those were humane laws, they were promulgated by organizations like the Humane Society of the United States, and now we try to create naturalistic habitats for these animals, because they’re animals, right, and we describe the conditions as inhumane, which to me is the ultimate irony. And yet we can put ourselves into a windowless environment, something that would have been considered like a Skinner box not too long ago, with very little stimulation, very little color, very little variability, very little that is organic in its simulation or form, and yet we don’t regard that as inhumane, which I think says volumes about how we don’t really see ourselves as like the animal in the cage, we are something different from an animal.


凯特:为什么人们会一直将鲜花带到医院?有什么好处?这不是药丸,也不是 - 这些花没有以其药物价值而被选中,他们没有系统地检查其药理作用,但人们会做到。它只是肤浅吗?这只是一个不错的手势,不错但并不重要?我建议这是对与确认生活相关的治愈作用的更深入的认识。我认为地球上没有一个人对日落或美丽的开花玫瑰或山的形状没有反应。



凯特: 正确的。有一些证据 - 并非完全没有。We’re doing a study right now for the eastern headquarters for Bank of America at Bryant Park [in mid-town Manhattan], and the builders, one of the authors in our biophilic design book”¦Bob Fox”¦he did incorporate some elements of biophilic design, in terms of fresh air, and natural light, and all kinds of experiential elements and materials used and so forth.


凯特:对,正确,我们正在从物理数据到社交数据再到心理数据的广泛参数中收集数据。And we’re going to be able to measure whether there have been bottom line effects, absenteeism, health and symptomatology, productivity, retention — retention is a really important thing for a company like Bank of America, because it costs a lot to train people — and so we’ll have some of those indicators. My colleague on the Bank of American study did an office and factory study associated with the Herman Miller company, which is a furniture manufacturer, in which they were able to find significant productivity gains, less absenteeism, less health problems, a better sense of well-being as reported by the individuals that participated. And ultimately all of this translates to the bottom line.

我希望我们采取更多微妙的措施 - 批判性思维,解决问题,创造力,团结,如果您愿意的话。最终,这些是公司是否成功的真正考验。Genzyme,拥有许多昂贵的博士学位。进行生物技术工作的类型,建造了一座新建筑,看起来与外部没有太大不同,但是当您进入室内时,它有轻巧的空间,有这些小型的迷你公园。他们发现人们正在共同努力,而且工作时间更长 - 平均只有20分钟,但这是他们的角度的重要因素。








凯特: I know that when we did our session on biophilic design at the “Greenbuild Conference,” I thought we had been given a room that was too big, and that it was going to be embarrassing, because we’re going to have this room for seven or eight hundred people and there’d be a hundred there”¦ We filled the place up, and were turning people away.


凯特: Part of our problem today is kind of promiscuous specialization, the engineer or contractor or architect or whatever the specialization is, focuses on their particular brand of knowledge and develops it to the nth degree without reference to other areas, and consequently it’s fragmented and we accomplish certain goals in that specialization, but it usually causes problems because it’s not integrated. And I think architecture is beginning to recognize that that model is broken and needs to be more interdisciplinary and there needs to be more collaboration and teamwork across different disciplines. So for example, a couple of architects in the book — Stephen Kieran with KieranTimberlake Associates, Bert Gregory with Mithun — have hired graduates of the [Yale] School of Forestry & Environmental Studies, without architecture degrees but who have a strong interest in design.






凯特:当然,我会给你一个例子。我们在三楼举行了一次会议,它正在庆祝阿尔多·利奥波德(Aldo Leopold)的遗产,阿尔多·利奥波德(Aldo Leopold)是环境领域的标志性人物之一,那是一个黑暗的暴风雨日,大雨,人们喜欢在那个房间里。您有房间的避难所,但是您有前景和享受自然的看法。您觉得内部和外部之间的这种对话是如此令人兴奋,肯定。当然,对于建筑物的居民,建筑物的用户,似乎有一个非常积极的接待,而不仅仅是因为它更节能,而且因为人们真的很喜欢在那里。对我来说,这将是维持建筑物的动力,因为技术来了,从它的效率来看。从现在开始的十年后,我们投入到的技术使其能够效率高得多。但是,人们是否会维护建筑物并使建筑物现代化并恢复现代化,这将是因为他们真的很喜欢这个空间。

