
Bristol Bay令人着迷的令人震惊的Sockeye Salmon运行的最近观点

2015年耶鲁环境的第一个亚军360视频竞赛捕获了布里斯托湾,阿拉斯加的丰富的红球三文鱼的令人惊叹的图像,并讲述了一个70岁的项目的故事,这一直在研究数百万鲑鱼pour into the region’s rivers to spawn.


每年,在世界上最大的鲑鱼在世界上运行,估计有3000万SOCKEYE SALMON迁移到阿拉斯加西南布里斯托湾的河流和湖泊。他们的数字并不一直是丰富的,1946年,当红球经历了剧烈的衰落时,华盛顿大学开始研究海湾鲑鱼,这一天持续到这一天。

In this video — the first runner-up in the 2015 Yale Environment 360 Video Contest — videographer Jason Ching captures stunning images of these rich salmon runs as he reports from Bristol Bay on the University of Washington’s Alaska Salmon Research Program, one of the world’s most exhaustive and longest-running fisheries studies. From counting, weighing, and measuring salmon to studying inner-ear bones that reveal the age and number of years a sockeye has been at sea, the scientists are continuing to build an invaluable data base. Ching’s video shows the exquisite beauty of these fish and their remarkable migrations.”