

多年来,中国Qiugang村庄的一家化学厂一直污染了河流,毒害了饮用水,并污染了空气 - 直到居民决定站起来。Qiugang的战士是Ruby Yang和Thomas Lennon共同制作的Yale Environment 360视频,讲述了村民的故事,决定了制止污染的努力。

像中国工业心脏地带的许多村庄一样,Qiugang(Anhui Province的近1900人的小村庄)长期以来一直受到附近工厂的失控污染。In Qiugang’s case, three major enterprises with little or no pollution controls churned out chemicals, pesticides, and dyes, turning the local river black, killing fish and wildlife, and filling the air with foul fumes that burned residents’ eyes and throats and sickened children.

柔岛化学厂的污染变得如此严重,以至于2007年,Qiugang的居民与刚起步的环境团体Green Anhui合作 - 开始尝试为此做些事情。Their efforts soon attracted the attention of Chinese-American filmmaker Ruby Yang, who with cinematographer Guan Xin and longtime collaborator Thomas Lennon, spent the ensuing three years chronicling the struggle of Qiugang’s increasingly emboldened population to curb the pollution that was poisoning them in their homes, schools, and fields.

这个独家E360视频报告“ Qiugang的战士” - 由耶鲁环境360- 讲述了村民如何为改变环境而战的故事,并在此过程中发现自己也改变了。

这张39分钟的视频着重于一个不太可能的英雄 - 现在将近60岁的农夫张冈里(Farmer Zhang Gongli)领导该村关闭化学厂的战斗。Soft-spoken and easy-going, but with a backbone of steel, Zhang — who has only a middle-school education — quickly learns how to use China’s more stringent federal environmental laws to put pressure on the factory owners and their cronies in local and regional government.



“我感到害怕 - 我真的不想成为英雄,”张在骑北京的火车时说道。“但是下一代将受到影响。我们为他们的幸福冒险冒险。”


